For Organisations

Consultancy and training

Mental health issues have a significant cost to organisations in terms of performance and profitability. For example, the Centre for Mental Health estimates that the total cost to employers of mental health problems among their staff is nearly £26 billion each year. Employee wellbeing is therefore critical to any organisation and for companies to thrive, their employees need to feel well mentally and emotionally.

Karen offers a bespoke consultancy and training service to companies who wish to invest in their employees’ psychological health. Her aims are to promote good mental health among staff and equip managers with strategies to handle difficult workplace issues which affect psychological wellbeing. Training sessions can be tailored to the needs of managers or other employees and are typically delivered in two hour or half day sessions.

Examples of topics from which organisations benefit, include:

Employee mental health and wellbeing – removing the stigma and raising awareness of the importance of this critical issue for organisational performance and success

Stress management – evaluating existing stress management programmes and/or advising on new approaches to ensure individuals are engaged and performing at an optimal level for the organisation

Work-family conflict – understanding the ways in which workplace performance can suffer as a result of the incompatibilities between the work and family domains and strategies to mitigate this

Organisational change – strategic interventions to ensure that change is managed effectively to minimise employee wellbeing problems

Presenteeism – strategies for managers to tackle the presenteeism problem (the loss in productivity that occurs when employees come to work but function at less than full capacity because of ill health)

Workaholic behaviours – exploring the positive and negative impact of these behavioural traits and understanding the wellbeing implications for individuals

Executive Coaching

Karen is an Executive Coach who focuses on helping individuals to aim higher and excel in their careers. She also encourages individuals to tackle any barriers to success. To achieve maximum results, Karen uses a variety of techniques and coaching models including Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. She is also trained to work with psychometric and conflict management tools such as the Myers Briggs-Type Indicator, Saville Consulting Wave Model and the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Executives can sometimes benefit from these tools as part of the coaching process. Coaching sessions usually take place in the workplace or can be held via Skype/telephone.

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